Timezone: By default, Zoom will use your computer’s time zone setting. To change the time zone, click this dropdown. Note that scheduled meetings can be started by the host at anytime, regardless of the date and time settings. When: Select a date and time of your meeting. Topic: Choose a topic/name for your meeting. (You can also schedule your meetings through the web at /meeting/schedule.) Many of these you can set to a default in your Account Settings at and never worry about again, but you can also change them in your scheduler as needed. Then fill out the scheduler with the options below. Then click on the Schedule icon – it’s blue and says “Schedule,” you can’t miss it. Well, let’s talk scheduling… Scheduling a Meeting With Zoom
What a snap! But let’s say you want to be a bit more organized – ad hoc just isn’t your thing. Or start an instant meeting from our messenger by clicking the “Start a Meeting” drop down in the chat window.
See the image on the right? Just click either of the top two orange buttons on your Zoom client and you’re in a meeting. We designed Zoom for on-the-fly, fast collaboration.